An exhibition of found objects transcending their forms through time and circumstance.

FALL 2025
A “found object” is something out of control.
Age vandalized its appearance. Circumstance hijacked its function. Obscurity overwrote its significance. Tearing through time, ravaged by the random, a found object breaks from the design of its creator to emerge today as something liberated from prescribed form and meaning.
Although it’s man-made, it is now alien to us. Although it’s here and now, it abides elsewhere in time and space. The found object is an illegible, unknowable thing, out of reach even when in hand.
Here we may find art without intent.
Transformed physically and contextually, a found object sometimes packs the same aesthetic and conceptual punch of conventional art. But without artistic motive nor objective meaning, it must lie in wait to ambush an imagination. As old as human consciousness itself, our reflexive appreciation of found objects is an artistic muscle latent within us all.
Art without intent ennobles the random, celebrates the anonymous, and embraces the subjective, empowering individuals to see art where they may least expect to find it.
In its fourth year, the Found Object Show returns to NYC in the fall of 2025 (date to be announced). The unpredictable and diverse material is presented unaltered, each piece offered as-found by exhibitors. All objects will be available for sale.
See a virtual tour of Found Object 2023. The show has since expanded to twice the size with the addition of many new exhibitors.